Purpose: Passion or Money?

I have one question for you. Does wealth come from pursuing money or pursuing purpose? I recently read an article in Inc. Magazine which opened my mind in regards to this topic.

So often we focus our efforts on making money. It is understandable why this happens. There are bills to pay and as a result, we may abandon our passion in order to make ends meet. However, does it have to be this way?

As one of my mentors, the late Jim Rohn says, "I'm working full time on my job and part time on my fortune." You don't have to abandon your passion. In fact, research shows that "those individuals who'd reported more sense of purpose at the study start had accumulated more wealth over this time period, and they experienced greater increases to their income."

Purpose is what matters most. The earlier in life you find out what yours is, the greater your chance at becoming truly wealthy. Find something that you're passionate about and pursue it to achieve the highest levels of success. You know what they say - find something you love and you'll never feel like you're working another day in your life!

What's YOUR passion? Do you believe that pursuing purpose is more important than pursuing money? Please comment below.

Resolutions: It's Week 2 - Are You On Track?

Many people make New Year's resolutions and today marks the start of the second week of the New Year.  I decided to take a look at what the most common resolutions are, whether they're achieved or not and how long the average person sticks to his/her resolution.  What I found supported what I thought and also surprised me at the same time.  Intrigued?

Not surprisingly, losing weight/improving health, self improvement, improving finances and quitting smoking topped the list.  What did surprise me was "doing more exciting things".  What this tells me is that so many people are merely existing vs living their lives.  It also tells me that people are settling instead of venturing out.  They yearn for more exciting things, yet are often too content with where they are or are paralyzed by fear to go out and live their dreams.

Only about half of the population makes resolutions and of those who do, less than 10% state that they achieve their resolution.  A larger portion achieve some success and close to half fail year after year in their resolution.  How long do most people stick to their resolution?  About three quarters last a week and roughly half last a month.  After that, it goes downhill quickly.

What can you do to stick to your resolution?  Set explicit goals.  Write them down in a "SMART" format (Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-based).  Share your resolutions on social media and tell others about them. Why?  Accountability.  Start small and look to change one behavior at a time.  Lastly, don't beat yourself up.  You're on a journey to a better you and it will take time.  Celebrate the small victories along the way!

Read the research by Statistic Brain here.


With the dawn of a new year, many of us make “resolutions”.  Are you one of these people?  Are you looking to improve an area of your life?  You need to read on and watch this video by personal development master, Tony Robbins.

So many people say they want to be the best – the best wife or husband, the best father or mother, the best friend, the best worker, the best athlete.  They say they need to change in order to do so and place an immense amount of weight on “change”. 

What’s better than change?  Progress.  Being better than you were yesterday.  Seek to improve and you will indeed progress.

How do you get better? It really boils down to having such a clear, compelling vision that (as Tony says) it PULLS you toward it. Notice it’s not something pushing you toward a goal? Why? Because the power of that PULL toward the vision is stronger and longer-lasting than any push.  Simply put – PULLING is stronger than PUSHING and will keep you on track toward your vision.

OK, so you have this clear, compelling vision, then what?  You must RAISE YOUR STANDARDS.  People are constantly talking about what they should do when in reality, these “shoulds” never get done.  Your “MUSTS” get done! 

With that clear, compelling vision that you have, what is it that you MUST get done to see that vision become reality?  Take a close look at your daily rituals and ask yourself if they are serving you or hindering you from being pulled closer to that vision.  If they’re serving you, continue with them as often as necessary.  If not, develop new rituals immediately that do serve you.

In summary, many of us are looking to improve areas of our life in 2017.  What specific area do you want to improve in your life and what does that area look like now?  What are the rituals that have shaped the current condition of that area of your life?  Write them down.  What is your clear, compelling, specific vision that you have for this area?  Write it down.  Lastly, write down the specific rituals that will help get you there to that vision.

Need some help with this exercise?  I’d love to help you make 2017 your best year ever.  Shoot me a message or call me today!

Check out my new Facebook Page!

The time is finally here!! I launched my new Facebook page today & can't wait for you to check it out. Stop back often as the page will be continually updated. I'm excited to connect with you & add value to your life with purpose-driven content.  Thanks for reading.  Remember, stop just dreaming & start living!

How do the Wealthy Really Get Rich?

So many people think that it's luck. Proper money management starts with YOU. What do your daily habits look like? Do they mirror the 5 habits of the wealthy? Click the image below for the full article to learn these important lessons.

5 Habits of the Wealthy:

1. They take risks.

2. They invest in themselves.

3. They associate with those they want to emulate.

4. They have a dedicated morning ritual.

5. They review their goals consistently.

Don't give up vacation time!

52% of Americans are giving up vacation time by the end of the year.  Many of them are giving up a week or more.  This is sad.  Why not created the life that you never need to take a vacation from?  Click HERE for full article.

Credit Card Debt Piling Up?

HWe are on the verge of another credit card crisis with credit card debt piling up.  One answer to credit debt is multiple income streams.  Are you prepared?  Read on:


Give more.

In every encounter we either give life or we drain it; there is no neutral exchange.” – Brennan Manning

Giving back to school children in Cancun, Mexico for a LifeVantage Legacy event Dec 2016

Giving back to school children in Cancun, Mexico for a LifeVantage Legacy event Dec 2016

We live in a world where everyone is craving to own more, do more and have more.  However, the one thing that each really need to do more of is to GIVE MORE.  Nothing satisfies the soul more than giving.  Studies confirm this showing that oxytocin (neurotransmitter) levels rise when giving someone a gift, thus increasing happiness.  Hugging someone stimulates dopamine (another neurotransmitter), the pleasure hormone.  Want to improve your health?  Give more.

This holiday season, leave the "hustle & bustle" behind.  Don't put yourself into debt buying something you ultimately don't need or can't afford.  It's the simple things that will give YOU (and the recipient) the most happiness and pleasure.  Smile more, hug more, give more compliments, show gratitude and do something for someone less fortunate than you.  

Trust me, it's worth it!!

$50,000 Body Transformation Challenge

What is everyone's #1 New Year's Resolution?  That's right - losing weight and getting in shape. Every year around this time, people start looking for tools to help them achieve those goals. This year, why not get PAID to transform your body?!

Check out LifeVantage's $50,000 Transform Your PhysIQ Weight Loss Body Transformation Challenge. One male and one female participant will be chosen to win $25,000 in cash and prizes including a full makeover, roundtrip airfare for two, hotel accommodations and two tickets to Global Convention in Salt Lake City, UT in April!! 

Want more information about how poor gut health, low protein intake and/or slowed metabolic rate can prevent weight loss?  Click the button below!

Ready to take ACTION?

LifeVantage gets a AAA rating

If you're considering starting a home-based business, be sure the business you are considering has the highest rating.  You could franchise a business, but that comes with a hefty price tag (often 6 or 7 figures!) and a long return on your investment.  Not to mention 60-80 hour work weeks!  What about starting your own business from scratch - you'll have to implement the systems, hire the staff, lease the building, deal with utilities and overhead along with all the other headaches.  

Or, you can look into network marketing and you'll see that LifeVantage comes out on top with the highest rating a home-based business can receive. This article will help you build your business.  Click on the photo below for the full story.


Here's a HHere's a common scenario that keeps playing out over and over in the world we live in.  Read on and think about your answers to the questions in the last bullet point:

  • Average Baby Boomer wants at least $45k in retirement income.
  •  Using rule of 4%, that means at least $1.1M in retirement savings.
  •  Average "pre"-Baby Boomer only has $136k saved for retirement.
  •  This means MOST Baby Boomers will either a) Not be able to retire or b) Not have a retirement income that they desire.
  •  THE SOLUTION = RESIDUAL INCOME. $45k in residual retirement income is possible within 6 months to 2 years.
  •  My question to you? Doing what you're currently doing, how long will it take you AFTER taxes and living expenses to save up $1.1M? If the answer is greater than 2 years, then why not take a look at what we're doing? What have you got to lose?

There is a better way.  Connect with me today and I can show you how.