I am excited to partner with you.  This is the start of your journey to time and financial freedom.  I've come to learn that many people find themselves in a situation that they did not envision when they dreamed about their future at a young age.  The traditional workplace robs people of their freedom and happiness.  Being told when to work, what to do, when to take a vacation, what you're worth and forced to work with people you dislike takes its toll over time. 

Most people work because they have to, not because they love it.  Ask someone why they do what they do and they'll tell you, "Because I have to" or "To pay the bills."  The passion that they once had has been suffocated by circumstance. I have hair dressers on my team who can barely lift their arms up after years of cutting hair - they have lost the passion and happiness from impressed clients because of the physical rigors of their job.  I have personal trainers who love helping transform their clients but hate the crazy hours associated with it. These folks are just like you and me - they've made a decision to take control of their future.

This is your chance to take control of your life!  You will become your own boss and determine your own pay.  The company signs your paycheck but YOU fill in the dollar amount.  I was able to build this business in the nooks & crannies of my busy day while still working full-time as a pharmaceutical rep and bicycle shop owner.  Once my income matched what I was earning in my "traditional job", I made the transition into working this business full time. You can too!

I look forward to hearing from you.......
