Here's a HHere's a common scenario that keeps playing out over and over in the world we live in.  Read on and think about your answers to the questions in the last bullet point:

  • Average Baby Boomer wants at least $45k in retirement income.
  •  Using rule of 4%, that means at least $1.1M in retirement savings.
  •  Average "pre"-Baby Boomer only has $136k saved for retirement.
  •  This means MOST Baby Boomers will either a) Not be able to retire or b) Not have a retirement income that they desire.
  •  THE SOLUTION = RESIDUAL INCOME. $45k in residual retirement income is possible within 6 months to 2 years.
  •  My question to you? Doing what you're currently doing, how long will it take you AFTER taxes and living expenses to save up $1.1M? If the answer is greater than 2 years, then why not take a look at what we're doing? What have you got to lose?

There is a better way.  Connect with me today and I can show you how.