I have one question for you. Does wealth come from pursuing money or pursuing purpose? I recently read an article in Inc. Magazine which opened my mind in regards to this topic.

So often we focus our efforts on making money. It is understandable why this happens. There are bills to pay and as a result, we may abandon our passion in order to make ends meet. However, does it have to be this way?

As one of my mentors, the late Jim Rohn says, "I'm working full time on my job and part time on my fortune." You don't have to abandon your passion. In fact, research shows that "those individuals who'd reported more sense of purpose at the study start had accumulated more wealth over this time period, and they experienced greater increases to their income."

Purpose is what matters most. The earlier in life you find out what yours is, the greater your chance at becoming truly wealthy. Find something that you're passionate about and pursue it to achieve the highest levels of success. You know what they say - find something you love and you'll never feel like you're working another day in your life!

What's YOUR passion? Do you believe that pursuing purpose is more important than pursuing money? Please comment below.