In every encounter we either give life or we drain it; there is no neutral exchange.” – Brennan Manning

Giving back to school children in Cancun, Mexico for a LifeVantage Legacy event Dec 2016

Giving back to school children in Cancun, Mexico for a LifeVantage Legacy event Dec 2016

We live in a world where everyone is craving to own more, do more and have more.  However, the one thing that each really need to do more of is to GIVE MORE.  Nothing satisfies the soul more than giving.  Studies confirm this showing that oxytocin (neurotransmitter) levels rise when giving someone a gift, thus increasing happiness.  Hugging someone stimulates dopamine (another neurotransmitter), the pleasure hormone.  Want to improve your health?  Give more.

This holiday season, leave the "hustle & bustle" behind.  Don't put yourself into debt buying something you ultimately don't need or can't afford.  It's the simple things that will give YOU (and the recipient) the most happiness and pleasure.  Smile more, hug more, give more compliments, show gratitude and do something for someone less fortunate than you.  

Trust me, it's worth it!!